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Precision Tuned
Irrational Exuberance

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Our Annual Show

Each year our show has a different theme, and we usually have as much fun as our audience.
Our shows are more than just singing. We enjoy bringing our audiences a taste of all-American family entertainment.
this shot we are really Singin' our hearts out!, wrapping up the end of a song with heartfelt 
Clean Shave blew our socks off with tight harmonies and precise singing! Our chapter has performing members who range in age from their forties to their early eighties. If you enjoy singing and are looking for a great wholesome activity for yourself, you and your friends, or perhaps you and your dad or son, come out to our show and give us a listen. Barbershop harmony may be just what you’ve been looking for!
After our annual show, we throw a cast party called an "Afterglow" that is open to the public. That's when we take turns performing those acts that the other choruses missed when they were off-stage. There is also a good bit of spontaneous singing, both as choruses and as quartets.

Here is our Director, Sally, singing with her quartet. A woman of many talents.
Wow!! look at thoes uniforms !! We have a terrific time. If you are in need of entertainment for a business, club or other social event, come see us perform. Then, let us put together a show for you. We can modify our repertoire to offer a mixture of styles, everything from traditional barbershop to doo-wop to Beatles tunes!

If you would like to find out more about our chapter, please contact President Doug Mader at 301-466-1378 or by email; or Barry Davis by email or by phone at 301-518-6586. Thank You!

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